Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chic Thrill: $5 2-for1 Infinity Scarves

People, fall is right around the corner.

I'll be real with you: I legit had a four-paragraph post drafted for this blog entry about how I love fall and how the weather in fall is hormonal in Wisconsin and how I hate summer and more about how I (again) love fall.  But, honestly, I don't want you to waste time reading when you could be using that time to GET IN YOUR CAR IMMEDIATELY, SUCK UP YOUR PRIDE, AND HEAD TO WAL*MART.  Because, girlfriend, where else can you find transitional, lightweight, fun and chic infinity scarves for FIVE DOLLARS.  FOR TWO SCARVES. WHERE?!?!  Apparently, Wal*Mart.

Infinity scarves have blown up over the past 4 years so much so that they aren't hard to find. What is hard to find is an attractive infinity scarf that costs you under $15 bucks.

So I was SUPER STOKED to find that Wal*Mart is selling 2-pack (YES, 2 PACK) infinity scarves for $4.96.  UNDER 5 BUCKS FOR TWO SCARVES. SHUT UP.

My current scarf arsenal.  Obsessed.

I'm obsessed with them and have already been asked by strangers a few times where I got my "great scarf."  It would be wrong not to share this find with my cyberspace friends!

Scarves are located by the accessories department.  I bought three packs (six scarves for the average cost of one) for the season.  I am thrilled with the selection and wear of these scarves by NoBoundaries.

These are so lightweight and breathable that they remain comfortable even on warm, humid days.  Yet, they still are able to keep the neck and chest chill away when the cool, evening air sets in.

Let's be honest, they probably aren't built to last.  I'd say they are on the same page as Forever 21 garment construction.  But for under $2.50 per scarf, WHO CARES?!  Life's short.  Have fun with it.

Check these chic (and cheap) little thrills out for yourself.  A fun, printed scarf is paired with a neutral which I feel makes your purchase even more versatile and conservatively cool. Buy a pack.  Buy more.  Keep one in your car for a last minute outfit "upgrade."
Chilly Packer game with my man

Hot day with my men at the Shawano County Fair.

Cute, right?!

Happy shopping, babes!

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