Thursday, January 21, 2016

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner

Raise your hand if you haven't gotten the stomach flu this winter.

Bet most of your paws are comfy and cozy in your hoodie pockets, yeah?  Everybody and their dog either had or has the stomach flu around these parts.  

My household got sick December 26th which was actually pretty great timing.  I mean, there's no great time to get the stomach flu, but December 26th is pretty clutch. We didn't miss any Christmas celebrations and got rid of holiday bloat. We started 2016 fresh, leaving behind a lot of literal crap.

I also started 2016 fresh because I had to disinfect and clean three bathrooms, three bedrooms, and oh, EVERYTHING else.  Fortunately, two weeks earlier I came across a DIY All-Purpose (and anti-bacterial) cleaner that is just as useful as it is cheap.  

This DIY AP cleaner takes only 3 ingredients:
*Castile soap
*Rubbing alcohol
*Water (distilled is recommended, but I just use tap)

If you don't have castile soap on hand, consider researching and purchasing it.  Since buying some a year ago, I've stopped having to buy pricey makeup remover and face wash because it's just so ridiculously easy and affordable to make it using castile.  I love castile so much that I gifted it this Christmas.  Look into it.  I like Dr. Bronners. You can get it cheaper on, especially when the site is running a promotion.  I also see they have 32 oz of Peppermint Dr. Bronners at Costco for $9.99 (which is a ridiculous deal)!

To make your very own AP cleaner, gather your supplies and an empty spray bottle.  You can buy a standard "cleaning" spray bottle at the Dollar Tree if you don't have an empty Windex (or the like) bottle at home.

Take 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and mix in 1-2 TBSP of castile soap in a scent of your choosing. I personally like Tea Tree Oil and Citrus.  Citrus AP smells like you're cleaning with vodka-tonics which is a little bit of sassy fun, IMO.  Dump the rubbing alcohol and castile mixture into your empty cleaning bottle and add either tap or distilled water until full.

*Note: if you don't have rubbing alcohol, you can use vodka.  We don't use drinkable alcohol in this house to clean but you can if you want!  I'll cheers to that...with my vodka.

This AP cleaner doesn't leave a weird residue or even a lingering scent of alcohol.  It's also clean in the sense that it doesn't have harsh chemicals.  I love using this for my toilets, counter tops, even my kids' toys.  I keep a bottle of it on our treadmill also because second only to toilets, that is consistently the grossest thing in our house. 

Isn't it great that you're only ever like 10 seconds away from cleaning with this recipe?!  I knew you'd be thrilled :)

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